Creative Direction and Photography
based in Cologne / Germany
Viola Sophie Schuldner
Dipl. Designer | ecosigner®
studied in the fields of Productdesign, Photography, Typography in a combination with Philosophy.
Experienced international esports photographer:
Design project and website are currently in development:
Earlier productdesign works: click here
Publications forbes.com | mercedes-benz.com | dpdhl.com | vodafone.de | kicker.de | bundesliga.de | imm-cologne.de | sportschau.de | dfl.de | RedBull.com | Astralis.gg | Esports.net | fototv.de | weplayholding.com | sueddeutsche.de | Express | rheinischer-spiegel.de | Kölner Stadtanzeiger | ksta.de | lequipe.fr | tl.net | gamesmarkt.de | gamingmalta.org | escorenews.com | group.dhl.com | respawn.pl | Esports.gg | pley.gg | kölnische-rundschau.de | horizont.net | basketball-nrw.com | draft5.gg | targetesports.com | fc-hansa.de | haptica.biz | sponsors.de | neofashion.de | mgziehtan.de | telecomasia.net | ndr.de | nau.ch | noz.de. and many more.
2016 "The sense for aesthetics is intuitiv" Best of 2016 at Berufsfotografen.com // Interview (german)
2019 "Young Photographer with intuitive sense" Interview with international advertising and industry Photographer Eberhard Schuy for FotoTV // Interview (german) ”With Viola Sophie, Eberhard Schuy has met an up-and-coming artist whose images are close and personal. There is no great image analysis, but the portfolio of a very promising photographer who presents herself with a great sense of image.” FotoTv.
Exhibitions Productdesign and photographic works
2009: ÖkoRausch / Collection of works
2009-2010: Permanent exhibition at ecosign / Lamp Design
2010: Passagen, Cologne / Lamp Design
2010: PopArt Festival, Cologne / Lamp Design
2010-2011: Permanent exhibition at ecosign / Lamp Design
2011: Passagen, Cologne / Stool Design
2012: MAKK - Museum for applied arts Cologne / photographic work
2013: Passagen, Cologne / photographic work
2013: 14. Museum Night in Cologne / photographic work
2014: Passagen, Cologne / photographic work
2015: Cultural areas Hückeswagen / photographic work
2015: 16. Museum Night in Cologne/ Lamp Design
Stage Production Stage and Costume Design + realization
2015: Stage Design & Costume für SchlafOut und gewinne Zeit / Drangwerk2016: Stage Design & Costume für FAQ-frequently asked questions / Drangwerk2017: Stage Design & Costume for GRENZE, DIE - und ihr tragischer und erhellender Tod / Drangwerk2021: Costume and Photos for Hang in there - Airtime Performance / Photini Meletiadis & Company
2012 Nominated for the Cologne Design Award
2022 MONOCHROME AWARDS 2022 - Honorable Mention in Portrait
IMPRESSUM | all rights reserved @ViolaSchuldner 2025